v14.7.2 WP Statistics Nulled + Premium Addons Bundle

WP Statistics Free Download is designed to offer comprehensive analytics to WordPress users, enabling them to monitor site visitors without relying on external services like Google Analytics. It’s integrated directly into WordPress, which simplifies the process of data collection and analysis. This accessibility makes it an attractive option for website owners who prefer to keep all their management tools in one place.

Main Features

Detailed Traffic Reports and Analysis

WP Statistics excels in providing detailed reports on various aspects of website traffic. Users can view data on the number of visitors, page views, search engine referrals, and geographical information of site visitors. It also includes advanced data tracking such as browser versions, operating systems, and referring sites, which can be invaluable for optimizing website performance and user experience.

Privacy and Data Control

One of the standout features of WP Statistics is its commitment to user privacy. Unlike many third-party analytics platforms, WP Statistics processes and stores all data locally on your WordPress site. This means that sensitive visitor data does not leave your server, providing an added layer of privacy that complies with regulations like GDPR.

Real-time Stats

WP Statistics offers real-time updates on user interactions on your site. This immediate feedback is crucial for websites running time-sensitive campaigns or those who need up-to-the-minute reporting to make quick decisions based on user behavior and traffic trends.

Who is WP Statistics Ideal For?


Bloggers can benefit greatly from WP Statistics by understanding the demographics of their readership, which posts are the most popular, and what sources are driving traffic to their blogs. This information can help in tailoring content to the audience’s preferences.

Small to Medium Businesses (SMBs)

For SMBs that operate e-commerce platforms or provide digital services, WP Statistics allows them to track user engagement and the effectiveness of marketing strategies without significant investment in complex analytics software.

Non-profits and Educational Sites

Non-profits and educational sites that may require compliance with strict data protection policies will find WP Statistics’ local data storage feature beneficial. It ensures that visitor data remains private and secure.

Developers and Site Administrators

WP Statistics provides developers and site administrators with detailed information about site usage and performance, aiding in site optimization and security monitoring without the complexity of integrating third-party services.

Pros and Cons


  • Privacy-Focused: Data is stored locally, which enhances visitor privacy.
  • Comprehensive Reports: Offers detailed insights into various metrics such as visitor counts, origins, device usage, and more.
  • Easy Integration: Seamlessly integrates with WordPress, offering a convenient and user-friendly interface.
  • No External Dependencies: Reduces reliance on third-party platforms and services.


  • Resource Intensive: Can be demanding on server resources, especially for websites with high traffic.
  • Less Sophisticated AI Insights: Does not offer predictive analytics or advanced behavior analysis like some external platforms.
  • Potential for Complexity: Some users may find the depth of data and settings overwhelming.

To provide a broader perspective, let’s compare WP Statistics with four other popular analytics solutions:

1. Google Analytics

  • Features: Offers extensive and detailed web analytics.
  • Pros: Deep insights with AI predictions and extensive third-party integrations.
  • Cons: Requires data to be sent to Google’s servers, which might raise privacy concerns.

2. Jetpack Stats

  • Features: Simple and straightforward analytics tool integrated into Jetpack.
  • Pros: Less resource-intensive than WP Statistics.
  • Cons: Offers fewer details and less control over data.

3. Clicky

  • Features: Real-time web analytics with detailed individual visitor and action tracking.
  • Pros: Provides real-time data and has a focus on user privacy.
  • Cons: Premium features come at a cost, unlike WP Statistics, which offers a lot for free.

4. Matomo

  • Features: A privacy-focused analytics platform that is a direct alternative to Google Analytics.
  • Pros: Strong focus on user privacy with powerful analytics capabilities.
  • Cons: More complex to set up and manage compared to WP Statistics.

WP Statistics Nulled stands out as a robust, privacy-centric analytics tool ideal for WordPress users who need detailed insights without compromising visitor privacy. It strikes a balance between comprehensive data reporting and ease of use, making it suitable for a wide range of users from bloggers to SMBs. While it may be resource-intensive and less sophisticated in predictive analytics, its integration, and data privacy features make WP Statistics a compelling choice for anyone looking to enhance their website analytics capabilities directly within WordPress.


v14.7.2 Latest


  • Fixes: The Author menu display issue has been resolved.
  • Fixes: The query issue related to visitor and visit relationships has been corrected.
  • New: Added command wp statistics reinitialize to WP-CLI functionality for re-initialize the tables.

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