FileBird Pro 6.4.1 Nulled – WordPress Media Library Folders

Managing media files in WordPress can become a daunting task as your website grows. The default WordPress Media Library provides a flat structure, making it challenging to organize and locate files efficiently. Enter FileBird Pro Nulled – a powerful solution designed to transform your WordPress Media Library into a well-organized and easily navigable system. This plugin enhances your media management capabilities, providing folders for seamless organization and a streamlined workflow.

FileBird Pro is a feature-rich WordPress plugin that introduces an intuitive folder-based structure to your Media Library. With a user-friendly interface and robust features, this plugin simplifies the process of organizing and accessing your media files.



Key Features

  1. Intuitive Folder Structure: FileBird Pro allows you to create folders and subfolders within your Media Library. This intuitive folder structure makes it easy to categorize and manage your media files effectively.
  2. Drag-and-Drop Functionality: Organize your files effortlessly with the drag-and-drop functionality. Simply drag a file and drop it into the desired folder, providing a seamless and intuitive user experience.
  3. Bulk File Actions: Perform bulk actions on your media files directly from the folder interface. You can move, copy, or delete multiple files simultaneously, saving valuable time and effort.
  4. Smart Context Menu: Right-click on any file or folder to access a smart context menu. This menu offers quick options such as creating a new folder, uploading files, and managing your media library with ease.
  5. Filter and Sort Options: Efficiently filter and sort your media files based on various criteria, including date, file type, and folder. This feature simplifies the process of finding specific files within a large media library.
  6. Compatibility with Page Builders: FileBird Pro seamlessly integrates with popular page builders like Elementor and Divi. This ensures a smooth workflow for users who build and design their websites using these tools.
  7. Shortcode and Gutenberg Block: Easily display your organized media folders on pages or posts using shortcodes or Gutenberg blocks. This allows you to showcase specific sets of media files to your audience.
  8. Enhanced Media Library Performance: The use of folders significantly improves the performance of your Media Library. The plugin optimizes file retrieval, resulting in faster load times, even with extensive media collections.
  9. Responsive Design: FileBird Pro is designed to be responsive, ensuring a seamless user experience across various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  10. User Role Permissions: Tailor access permissions to different user roles. Restrict or grant specific capabilities related to media file management based on user roles, enhancing security and control.

Conclusion: Streamline Your Media Library with FileBird Pro

In conclusion, FileBird Pro stands as a must-have solution for WordPress users grappling with the challenges of organizing a growing Media Library. The intuitive folder structure, drag-and-drop functionality, and smart features elevate your media management experience. With this plugin, you gain the ability to efficiently organize, sort, and access your media files, saving valuable time and optimizing your website’s performance.

The compatibility with popular page builders and the responsiveness of FileBird Pro make it a versatile tool suitable for various website development scenarios. Whether you are a blogger, business owner, or web developer, the enhanced media library capabilities offered by FileBird Pro contribute to a more streamlined and productive WordPress experience.

Take control of your WordPress Media Library with FileBird Pro, and enjoy the benefits of a well-organized and easily accessible repository for all your media files. Elevate your website management workflow and enhance the overall efficiency of your WordPress site with FileBird Pro – the ultimate solution for media library organization.



Oct 16, 2024 – Version 6.4.1

- Fixed: UI 
- Fixed: Setttings

Oct 9, 2024 – Version 6.4

- Added: Auto Select Previous Folder in Upload New Media Page
- Added: Change some user settings to global settings, not belong to each user anymore (Folder counter, Theme, Breadcrumb)
- Updated: PL language
- Added: Some new filter hooks

(fbv_user_default_folder: This filter is used to set the default folder for a user. Developers can use this filter to specify which folder should be loaded by default when the user accesses FileBird plugin.

fbv_user_default_sort_files: This filter allows you to set the default sorting method for files within a folder. Developers can customize how files are sorted when the user first accesses a folder.

fbv_user_default_sort_folders: This filter allows developers to define the default sorting method for folders when the user first accesses the plugin.

fbv_user_folder_startup: This filter lets developers define the initial folder or state that should be loaded when FileBird plugin starts up for the user.)

- Fixed: Laggy text selection when using with Divi Builder
- Fixed: Sort folders (display wrong order) in custom post types

Aug 23, 2024 – Version 6.3.4

- Fixed: CSV Export Vulnerability
- Fixed: Improve Post Type Counter
- Fixed: Exclude trashed posts out of folder count

Jun 25, 2024 – Version 6.3.3

- Fixed: Plugin dependencies

Jun 24, 2024 – Version 6.3

- Added: FileBird folder column in media list and Post Type table
- Improved: WordPress TableList Drag/Drop
- Fixed: WordPress VIP service doesn’t load FileBird styles 
- Fixed: WPML/Polylang not sync file to folder when add new attachment

May 31, 2024 – Version 6.2.4

- Improved: Sort default file, default folder
- Fixed: Conflict with MotoPress WordPress Hotel Booking plugin

May 13, 2024 – Version 6.2.2

- Improved: Compatible with custom post types created by third-party plugins
- Fixed: Count post types when selecting “Not Translatable” in WPML

May 10, 2024 – Version 6.2.1

- Fixed: PHP warning undefined array
- Fixed: FileBird gallery image captions showing raw html
- Fixed: CSV export incorrectly when having comma symbol in folder name
- Fixed: Create new folder (Press ESC doesn’t revert the last tree, create unused temporary folder)
- Improved: Disabled “Paste” when Cut and Paste a folder itself
- Improved: Disabled “Delete permanently” when moved files in Bulk Select
- Improved: Post Type Label (In the previous version it only showed Folder for all post types; now it changes to “Page Folders”, “Post Folders”, etc. based on Post Type Selected). Improved for 3rd export plugins like WP All Export.

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