Paid Memberships Pro Nulled (v3.1.4) + All Addons Pack [Addons Update]

Paid Memberships Pro Free Download is a comprehensive WordPress plugin designed for creating and managing membership subscriptions effectively. As businesses increasingly lean towards subscription models for steady revenue streams, having a reliable and robust tool to manage these subscriptions is crucial. This plugin offers a plethora of features that cater to various aspects of membership management, from content restriction to subscription billing, making it a go-to choice for entrepreneurs and businesses looking to monetize their content or services.

Main Body

  • Comprehensive Membership Solution

Paid Memberships Pro allows users to set up unlimited membership levels, each with its own pricing, content access rules, and benefits, making it incredibly versatile for different business models. It integrates seamlessly with WordPress, allowing site owners to restrict access to posts, pages, videos, categories, and more based on membership levels. This level of control is ideal for content creators, educational platforms, and service providers looking to offer exclusive access to their users.

  • Payment Gateway Integration and Financial Management

One of the key strengths of Paid Memberships Pro is its extensive integration with popular payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, and, facilitating secure and hassle-free transactions. It supports both one-time and recurring payments, giving businesses the flexibility to offer various payment plans. Additionally, the plugin includes detailed reporting tools that help track membership data and revenue, essential for financial planning and analysis.

  • User Experience and Customization

The plugin not only focuses on the administrative ease of managing memberships but also enhances the user experience. It provides customizable front-end interfaces for user registration, login, and account management, ensuring a smooth interaction for members. Businesses can tailor the registration process, including custom profile fields to gather necessary member information, improving both user engagement and data collection.

Who is it Ideal For?

Paid Memberships Pro is ideal for a wide range of users, including entrepreneurs, small to mid-sized businesses, content creators, educational institutions, and any entity that operates on a membership or subscription-based model. Whether you are looking to offer premium content, online courses, community access, or regular services, this plugin provides the tools necessary to manage and grow your membership base effectively.

Pros and Cons

  • Pros:
    • Extensive customization options allow for full control over membership levels and user access.
    • Supports a broad array of payment gateways for flexible payment solutions.
    • Includes comprehensive reporting and analytics for effective membership management.
    • Provides a robust set of tools for enhancing user registration and membership experience.
  • Cons:
    • The wide range of features can be overwhelming for WordPress beginners.
    • High dependency on additional add-ons for extended functionality, which can increase costs.
    • May require some technical knowledge to fully exploit all its features and customizations.

Comparison with Popular Alternatives

When compared to other membership plugins like MemberPress, WooCommerce Memberships, Restrict Content Pro, and S2Member, Paid Memberships Pro holds its unique advantages:

  1. MemberPress: While MemberPress is known for its ease of use and robust content restriction tools, Paid Memberships Pro offers more flexibility in payment gateways and deeper customization options.
  2. WooCommerce Memberships: Integrated tightly with WooCommerce, this plugin is great for e-commerce sites but lacks the broader payment solutions and dedicated membership management features that Paid Memberships Pro provides.
  3. Restrict Content Pro: Known for its simplicity and effectiveness in content restriction, Restrict Content Pro doesn’t offer as extensive payment integrations or customizable membership levels as Paid Memberships Pro.
  4. S2Member: Although highly customizable and powerful, S2Member has a steeper learning curve compared to Paid Memberships Pro, which strikes a balance between functionality and user-friendliness.

Paid Memberships Pro Nulled is an excellent solution for any WordPress site operator looking to implement a membership or subscription service effectively. With its comprehensive set of features, extensive payment options, and customization capabilities, it stands out as a top-tier option in the realm of membership plugins. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to enhance an existing subscription service, Paid Memberships Pro offers the necessary tools to monetize your content and build a thriving community or customer base.


3.1.4 – 2024-09-18

  • ENHANCEMENT: Improved the wording of the Stripe webhook checker message that displayed when there are event types that have not yet been triggered in Stripe. #3115 (@dparker1005)
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Improved the validation of IP addresses before they are returned by the pmpro_get_ip() function. #3113 (@andrewlimaza)
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: pmpro_set_curent_user() is now only called in the pmpro_clear_level_cache_for_user() function if we are clearing the cache for the current user. #3127 (@mircobabini)
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Localized the billing periods for subscription cost text strings. #3140 (@kimcoleman)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where an empty “Account Information” box might appear at checkout if using the pmpro_skip_account_fields filter to skip the account fields for new users. #3135 (@kimcoleman)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed the background color for input fields on the login form. #3124 (@kimcoleman)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where the code_id may not reflect the discount code ID that was used at checkout. #3138 (@dparker1005)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where incorrect data may be returned when calling getDiscountCode() on a blank MemberOrder object. #3120 (@dparker1005)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed PHP errors on the Visits, Views, and Logins report page when the usermeta values that are retrieved are not in the correct format. #3139 (@kimcoleman)

= 3.1.3 – 2024-08-06 =

  • ENHANCEMENT: Improved the appearance of input fields on dark-background themes. #3111 (@kimcoleman)
  • ENHANCEMENT: Improved the appearance of dropdown arrow icons. #3111 (@kimcoleman)
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added an icon for the upcoming Localized Pricing Add On. #3110 (@kimcoleman)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where new subscriptions might be immediately cancelled after checkout when re-purchasing a level that the user already had. #3107 (@dparker1005)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where Braintree billing updates would fail due to the CardType JavaScript not being present in the update billing form. #3108 (@dparker1005)

= 3.1.2 – 2024-08-02 =

  • ENHANCEMENT: Added an admin notice on PMPro settings pages when using Stripe without a webhook set up. #3103 (@dparker1005)
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added a new filter pmpro_stripe_card_element_style to allow developers to customize the Stripe card element style. #3099 (@kimcoleman)
  • ENHANCEMENT: Improved the styling of bulleted lists. #3095 (@kimcoleman)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where Braintree checkouts would fail due to the CardType field not being present in the payment form. #3102 (@JarrydLong)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where billing updates could fail for some gateways. #3102, #3106 (@JarrydLong, @dparker1005)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed PHP errors when showing a “no access” message and there is not a levels page or checkout page set. #3096 (@kimcoleman)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where checkouts would fail when using the Stripe payment request button and reCAPTCHA v3. #3094 (@dparker1005)
  • REFACTOR: Updated doc block for the pmpro_set_expiration_date() function to allow null as a valid value for the $enddate parameter. #3098 (@ZebulanStanphill)

v3.1 – 2024-07-17 =

  • FEATURE: Added a new “Design” tab to the Memberships > Settings page with multiple frontend style variations to choose from. #3003 (@kimcoleman)
  • FEATURE: Added a new “Security” tab to the Memberships > Settings page. #2999 (@MaximilianoRicoTabo)
  • ENHANCEMENT: Updated the styling of frontend pages. #3003 (@kimcoleman)
  • ENHANCEMENT: Improved the logic around how “no access” messages are generated and added filters to customize these messages. #3003 (@kimcoleman)
  • ENHANCEMENT: Standardized CSS selectors to make theming a PMPro site more straightforward. #3003 (@kimcoleman)
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added an “Edit Customer in Stripe” button to the “View Subscription” page for Stripe subscriptions. #2987 (@dparker1005)
  • ENHANCEMENT: Set Stripe Checkout to be the default Stripe payment flow on new websites. #3006 (@dparker1005)
  • ENHANCEMENT: Updated the “Check out with PayPal” button so that it is more accessible and can be translated. #3026 (@kimcoleman)
  • ENHANCEMENT: Updated the billing failure email to link directly to the “update billing information” page for the corresponding subscription. #3032 (@MaximilianoRicoTabo)
  • ENHANCEMENT: Updated the term “Invoice” to “Order” in most places throughout the plugin. #2982 (@kimcoleman)
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added filters for updating how the total, subtotal, and tax are displayed for an order. #3009 (@dparker1005)
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added a new filter pmpro_subscription_cost_text for updating how the subscription cost is displayed. #3021 (@dparker1005)
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added new filter pmpro_dashboard_meta_boxes to allow developers to hide dashboard widgets and add their very own widgets to the PMPro dashboard area. #3019 (@andrewlimaza)
  • ENHANCEMENT: Now detecting Add Ons with incorrect folder names in site health. #2069 (@mircobabini)
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Email headers and footers are now added after email body filters are run. #2000 (@mircobabini)
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Added an error message on the Edit Member page when an order refund fails. #3015 (@dparker1005)
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Moved the “Edit Customer in Stripe” button on the Edit Member page to the “User Info” tab. #2987 (@MaximilianoRicoTabo)
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Added a fallback to get the site URL from the database should the SERVER_NAME parameter not be available in certain cases like using WP-CLI and some other instances. #2996 (@andrewlimaza)
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Now including email template variables for the expired level ID and level name on the membership expired email template. #2954 (@MaximilianoRicoTabo)
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: When using PMPro Lifter Streamline mode, now making sure that Lifter does not reserve the /membership/ slug. #2927 (@MaximilianoRicoTabo)
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Enabled localization for certain strings throughout the plugin. #3005 (@DAnn2012)
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Updated the “Login Name” setting for to “API Login ID” to match the documentation. #3058 (@dparker1005)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where the payment transaction ID would not be saved for an order while purchasing a subscription via Stripe Checkout. #3025 (@dparker1005)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue on some hosting setups where subscriptions would not be successfully inserted into the database. #3002 (@dparker1005)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where the “Content Visibility” block editor settings could break some core WordPress blocks. #3014 (@MaximilianoRicoTabo)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where a user’s membership might not be removed when a PayPal Express subscription is suspended due to payment failure. #3016 (@dparker1005)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed a broken link to the PMPro Approvals documentation page when creating a new membership level. #3001 (@dparker1005)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where testing the “cancel on next payment date” email template might fail. #2984 (@MaximilianoRicoTabo)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where a PHP warning might be shown when dynamically adding the membership level body CSS class. #3013 (@andrewlimaza)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where the “From Name” email setting could add slashes before escaped characters when saved. #3050 (@andrewlimaza)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where the “View With” admin bar dropdown might not work correctly when using Firefox. #2953 (@MaximilianoRicoTabo)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where there might not be a space between class names when creating a user field. #3046 (@kimcoleman)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed issues where user IDs over 4294967295 would not be correctly linked to their subscription. #3065 (@dparker1005)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed over-escaped HTML in the admin activity email. #2985 (@MaximilianoRicoTabo)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed some typos in the plugin. #3062 (@szepeviktor)
  • REFACTOR: Updated the checkout preheader to use the abstracted pmpro_complete_checkout() function. #2937 (@dparker1005)
  • REFACTOR: Removed duplicate code from PayPal gateway classes. #2932 (@dparker1005)
  • DEPRECATED: Removed the ability to customize no access messages for the RSS feed and the secondary option for logged out members. Filters should be used to customize these messages. #3003 (@kimcoleman)
  • DEPRECATED: Removed the “Update Billing Flow” option from the Stripe gateway settings. Billing information will now be updated on-site if using the on-site payment flow and off-site if payments are taken via Stripe Checkout. #3006 (@dparker1005)
  • DEPRECATED: Removed the print.css file from the plugin. These styles are now in frontend.css. #2940 (@dparker1005)
  • DEPRECATED: Deprecated the pmpro_longform_address filter. Address fields will always be shown in longform format. #2990 (@kimcoleman)
  • DEPRECATED: Removed setting and display of SSL Seal Code option from database and frontend pages. #2991 (@kimcoleman)
  • DEPRECATED: No longer storing an option for accepted card types or allowing a card type select field in payment forms. #2989 (@kimcoleman)
  • DEPRECATED: Deprecated the billable invoice, credit card expiring, checkout express, checkout trial, and checkout free trial email templates along with their admin counterparts. #3032 (@MaximilianoRicoTabo)
  • DEPRECATED: Removed the setup.sql file from the plugin. #3068 (@dparker1005)

= 3.0.6 – 2024-07-01 =

  • SECURITY: Fixed an authenticated SQL injection vulnerability in the Orders and Discount Codes list tables. (Thanks, Trương Hữu Phúc from Patchstack)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed PHP errors when calling pmpro_is_checkout() too early in the page load. (@kimcoleman)

= 3.0.5 – 2024-06-24 =

  • SECURITY: Fixed a vulnerability in the 2Checkout payment integration that could allow unauthenticated users to move orders from the “pending” status to the “success” status (Thanks, Rafie Muhammad from Patchstack)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an incorrect query when using the “Show Only New” or “Show Only Renewals” filters on the sales report. (@ideadude)

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