Formidable Forms Pro v6.15.1 Nulled + Addons Free Download

Formidable Forms Pro is not just another WordPress forms plugin; it’s a comprehensive solution designed to revolutionize the way you create, manage, and optimize forms on your WordPress website. With its extensive array of features, intuitive interface, and robust functionality, Formidable Forms Pro Nulled empowers users of all levels to create powerful and dynamic forms that engage visitors, capture data, and drive conversions.

Transforming Your Forms Experience

Formidable Forms Pro is more than just a plugin; it’s a game-changer for WordPress users looking to take their forms to the next level. Whether you’re a blogger, business owner, or developer, this plugin provides the tools and flexibility you need to create forms that meet your specific needs and goals. From simple contact forms to complex multi-page surveys, Formidable Forms Pro puts the power of form building in your hands.


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Features: Unleashing the Power of Formidable Forms Pro

Let’s explore some of the key features that make this plugin stand out:

Drag-and-Drop Form Builder:

Create forms quickly and easily with Formidable Forms Pro’s intuitive drag-and-drop form builder. Simply drag form fields into place, customize their settings, and preview your form in real-time.

Advanced Form Fields:

Choose from a wide range of advanced form fields, including dropdowns, radio buttons, checkboxes, file uploads, and more. With this plugin, you can collect the data you need in the format that works best for you.

Conditional Logic:

Make your forms dynamic and interactive with conditional logic. Show or hide form fields based on user responses, customize form behavior, and create personalized form experiences for each visitor.

Multi-Page Forms:

Break up long forms into multiple pages for a smoother user experience. With this plugin, you can create multi-page forms that guide users through the form completion process step by step.

Form Templates:

Get started quickly with pre-designed form templates for common use cases such as contact forms, registration forms, feedback forms, and more. Simply choose a template, customize it to fit your needs, and publish your form in minutes.

Integration with Third-Party Services:

Seamlessly integrate your forms with third-party services such as email marketing platforms, CRMs, payment gateways, and more. With Formidable Forms Pro, you can automate workflows, streamline data collection, and enhance the functionality of your forms with ease.

Calculations and Math Formulas:

Perform calculations and math formulas within your forms to automatically calculate totals, prices, scores, and more. With Formidable Forms Pro, you can create dynamic forms that adapt to user input and provide instant feedback.

Data Visualization:

Visualize form data with built-in charts and graphs that display form submissions, trends, and insights in an easy-to-understand format. With this plugin, you can turn raw data into actionable insights that drive informed decision-making.

User Registration and Login Forms:

Create user registration and login forms with ease using Formidable Forms Pro. With features like password strength meter, email verification, and custom user roles, you can create secure and user-friendly registration forms that enhance the user experience.

Spam Protection:

Protect your forms from spam and abuse with built-in spam protection features such as reCAPTCHA, honeypot fields, and custom form validation rules. With Formidable Forms Pro, you can ensure that only legitimate submissions are accepted, keeping your data clean and secure.

Elevate Your WordPress Forms Experience with Formidable Forms Pro

In conclusion, Formidable Forms Pro is a powerful and versatile solution for WordPress users looking to create dynamic and engaging forms. With its intuitive interface, extensive feature set, and seamless integration with WordPress, Formidable Forms Pro empowers users to create forms that meet their specific needs and goals. Whether you’re collecting leads, processing payments, or conducting surveys, Formidable Forms Pro provides the tools and flexibility you need to succeed. Elevate your WordPress forms experience with Formidable Forms Pro and unlock new possibilities for your website.

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= 6.14 =
* New: The visual styler has gotten a major update. Many components have been redesigned, and a new quick settings page has been added.
* New: The code for moving fields in the builder has been optimized for large forms.
* New: Field keys will now work in place of field ids when creating or updating repeater entries using API actions or when calling FrmEntryMeta::update_entry_metas directly.
* Fix: In some cases it was possible for non-customizable fields such as radio buttons and dropdowns to be used for Akismet guest info.
* Fix: Forms would not duplicate as expected when one of the fields had “description” as a field key value.
* Fix: A fatal error would occur when failing to search for plugins due to internet connection problems.
* Fix: A JavaScript error would occur when trying to validate a read only time field.
* Fix: A Trying to access array offset on value of type bool PHP Warning that could happen in rare edge cases when working in th Gutenberg editor has been fixed.
* Fix: A layering issue would show section fields on top of the pop up for merging fields into groups.
* Fix: Turnstile elements are now only rendered when the field is visible.
* Fix: Some new checkbox and radio button styles were being overwritten by certain themes, resulting in various styling issues.

= 6.13 =
* Fix: A JavaScript error triggered after detecting an error with a form field before processing the payment would cause the form to stop responding.
* Fix: A Call to undefined method FrmProAppHelper::use_chosen_js fatal error would happen when using versions of Formidable Pro older than version 6.8.

= 6.12 =
* New: Many default form style settings have been updated. Existing sites will continue to use their existing default settings. To experience the new default style settings, access the list of styles from the style tab in form settings and select Reset to Defaults from the dropdown menu for a target style.
* New: Hidden screen reader labels have been added to the entries list admin pages bulk checkboxes to improve accessibility.
* Fix: Turnstile captcha widgets were rendering twice.
* Fix: An extra check has been added to improve compatibility with older versions of WordPress before version 6.5.
* Fix: The submit button would appear as an entry table row on the entry view admin page.
* Fix: When validating field length limits, some characters including types with accents were not getting counted as expected and could fail validation.
* Checks have been added to no longer include fields with form state on servers where open SSL is not installed. This is to improve compatibility.
* Some updates have been made to improve the syncing of field option updates and conditional logic settings.
* The option to use HTML5 has been removed. HTML5 is now enforced for all sites.
* Some old deprecated PHP functions have been removed including FrmAppController::include_embed_form_icons and FrmAppController::get_form_shortcode.
* The deprecated JavaScript function frmFrontForm.savingDraft has been removed.

= 6.11.2 =
* Security: Additional checks have been added to prevent unsafe HTML when using [input] shortcodes. A new frm_input_key_is_safe filter has been added to allow or disallow additional options when required.
* New: Some small accessibility improvements were made on the Import/Export admin page.
* Fix: A width limit has been removed from admin page h1 tags to help avoid issues with translated page titles that overflow their expected space.
* Fix: The prompt to name your form will no longer pop up on save if the form already has a name set.
* Fix: Additional checks have been added to prevent warnings while onboarding when using a Plus license.
* Fix: Save draft buttons would remain disabled after a look up was completed, or after a file was uploaded.
* Fix: Scripts were not loading properly on a few pages, causing issues with editing an Application and with some features in the Legacy Views editor.
* Fix: HTML entities are now decoded when used for phone format validation to prevent issues where & is converted to & for the regex check.
* Fix: Email summaries would include repeater forms in the top 10 list.
* Fix: Some entries lists would appear empty in some cases where item meta is stored using 0 as a field ID value.
* Fix: The wrong variable was sent to the frm_trigger_create_action filter, preventing access to some expected data.
* Fix: Several incorrect text domains and untranslatable strings have been corrected.
* The function FrmFieldType::get_select_atributes has been deprecated because of a typo in its name.
* Several old deprecated view files have been removed.

= 6.11.1 =
* New: Screen reader text has been updated on some admin pages to improve accessibility.
* New: Hover styling has been updated for modal close icons to improve user experience.
* Fix: The way Popper scripts are registered have been updated to help avoid a new conflict introduced in a recent WP Bakery update.
* Fix: The reCaptcha settings name was missing in a global settings string.
* The minimum supported version of Formidable Pro has been bumped to version 6.0.
* The function FrmAddonsController::is_license_expiring has been deprecated.

= 6.11 =
* New: Field errors added when validating with JavaScript would use field IDs instead of field keys. This has been updated to use field keys for consistency.
* New: When a layout class option is selected, any previous layout classes that would cause a conflict will now be automatically removed.
* New: An optimization has been added to help reduce form builder load times for forms with many HTML or Rich Text fields.
* New: A styling update has been made to make field placeholder font sizes more consistent.
* New: Stripe actions included in this plugin now support a Recurring Payment Limit setting. When this setting is defined, and the number of payments has been reached, the subscription will be cancelled automatically.
* Fix: References to JavaScript map files have been removed from bootstrap and popper scripts to prevent 404 error messages that appear when using Safari.
* Fix: An Undefined array key PHP Warning would get logged when trying to remove fields using the frm_available_fields or frm_pro_available_fields filters.
* Fix: Form previews would include two conflicting title tags in the source HTML.
* Fix: A small update has been made to properly support sending data for repeated API actions.
* Some old CSS styles have been removed, helping to reduce file size.
* An old TTF file used for icon fonts has been removed as it was only required for supporting Internet Explorer and is no longer required, helping to reduce overall file size.

= 6.10 =
* New: Field data for shortcodes is now stored in memory and reused on the settings page and form builder page for a significant page load speed improvement for forms with a lot of fields.
* New: XML import has been updated to support mapping field ID changes when importing a map view and new calendar view settings.
* Fix: Payments using a currency that uses a comma as the decimal separator would have an incorrect amount value when the amount value had a single decimal point like 11,5.
* Fix: Field error elements would inconsistently use either IDs or field keys in their ID values. An update has been made to use always use field keys.
* Fix: In some cases, a Stripe redirect would happen after failing to create an entry, resulting in an unexpected redirect to
* The minimum supported PHP version has been updated to 7.0, ending official support for PHP 5.6.
* The frm_summary_email_content_args hook has been moved to where it is now filtered for all types of email summaries.
* Several deprecated PHP functions have been removed including FrmFormsHelper::template_install_html, FrmFormsHelper::available_count, FrmFormsHelper::builder_submit_button, FrmFieldsHelper::get_shortcode_tag, FrmFieldsController::include_single_field, and FrmFormsController::new_form.
* Several deprecated front end JavaScript functions have been removed including frmFrontForm.goingToPreviousPage, frmFrontForm.hideOrShowFields, frmFrontForm.hidePreviouslyHiddenFields, frmFrontForm.checkDependentDynamicFields, frmFrontForm.checkDependentLookupFields, and frmFrontForm.loadGoogle.
* Some front end JavaScript code for supporting Internet Explorer has been dropped, helping to reduce the size of JavaScript required on the front end.

  • New: Some data used for field settings is now stored in memory and reused in order to significantly improve performance in the form builder for forms with a lot of fields.
  • Fix: Rootline and progress bar elements would not appear when using some position settings with the new submit button field.
  • Fix: An invalid argument supplied for foreach() error has been fixed when truncating unexpected values.
  • Fix: Submit button fields were appearing by mistake in WooCommerce products.
  • The parser for serialized string data has been optimized to be approximately 30% faster than before.
  • Some old deprecated code has been removed including the FrmPointers and FrmDbDeprecated classes, FrmAppHelper::sanitize_array, FrmAppHelper::expiring_message, and several methods in FrmEntryValidate.php.
  • Old polyfill code for supporting old versions of Internet Explorer have been removed from front end JS, reducing file size.

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