Moddroid Android Download Theme For WordPress Nulled WordPress Theme’s is the best APK website theme for WordPress users. Fully focused on stability, speed, fast indexing, minimalist design, and accessibility. Nowadays, APK niche websites faster ranking and growing. Kick-start your work with our fantastic theme to start your journey.
Post more than 1,000 APKs in just a few easy steps. Now you can post APK articles with 3 easy steps without the hassle and waste your time with copy paste. You can already have a website like in just a few days. Now it’s time you make a website about APKs.
v.9.6 – 01/12/2024
fixed small issue apk extractor sources
fixed languange for apk extractor
fixed getmodsapk sources
add new style metabox
add transalate to article content, mods, whats news
add Article Content setting.. *you can use article from sources
add edit version on quick edit. *you can edit version on quick edit
remove Duplicate Post setting
remove Post Permalink setting
remove Post Title setting
remove no used sources and not working sources from apk extractor
you can remove cmb2 plugin
v.9.5 – 28/09/2024
fixed small issue metabox
Add - new sources to apkextractor
Add - new sources to apkextractor
Add - new sources to apkextractor
Add - new sources aptoide to apkextractor
sources getmodsapk not working for now
please deactive and delete old report post plugin and install new report post plugin
please install cmb2 plugin
v.9.4 – 04/09/2024
fixed issue rate my post
fixed small issue apk extractor sources