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  • Download 656
  • File Size 34.76 MB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date 2 April 2024
  • Last Updated 19 August 2024

WoodMart v7.6.0 Download

WoodMart Changelog

19-08-2024 – Update version 7.6

NEW VERSION: Vegetables
NEW FEATURE: “Free gifts” option. (Screenshot)
NEW FEATURE: “Waitlist” option for out-of-stock products. (Video)
ADDED: Show “Out of stock” products at the end option. (Video)
ADDED: New product categories design “Side”. (Screenshot)
ADDED: “Bordered grid” option to “Product categories” element. (Screenshot)
ADDED: “Categories background” option to “Product categories” element. (Screenshot)
ADDED: “Product count” option to “Product categories” element. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Yelp link to the social profiles list. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Title tag option for product element. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Color option for header builder “Divider” element. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Filtered conditions to theme settings presets. (Screenshot)
ADDED: “Post type single page” condition to theme settings presets. (Screenshot)
ADDED: “Hide subcategories” option to “Mask” categories design.
FIXED: Reinitiate price filter widget after back on history.
FIXED: Render placeholder image HTML on Image or SVG Elementor element.
FIXED: Notices in Theme plugins page and setup wizard.
FIXED: Shifting of table columns in the comparison table that contain long words. (Topic)
FIXED: WooCommerce quantity input name on mini cart widget. (Topic)
FIXED: “Hide when scrolling down” option issue in Safari browser. (Topic)
FIXED: Infobox element icon width. (Topic)
FIXED: Variation product rating. (Topic)
FIXED: Checkout fields after change country field. (Topic)
FIXED: Product reviews conflict with Customer Reviews for WooCommerce plugin. (Topic)
FIXED: Layout builder “Single product tabs” element height on mobile devices. (Topic)
FIXED: Slide content visibility with parallax animation enabled. (Topic)
FIXED: Get HTML Block list with WPML plugin. (Topic)
FIXED: Dynamic discounts price calculate after frequently bought together purchase.
FIXED: WooCommerce PayPal Payments checkout form styles. (Topic)
FIXED: Mobile menu icon width issue using WebP format. (Topic)
FIXED: Open login sidebar after PJAX. (Topic)
FIXED: Lazy loading for images with slider issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Variable product with frequently bought together issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Video attribute for Single product video. (Topic)
FIXED: Links validator issue. (Topic)
FIXED: WOODMART WooCommerce Layered Nav widget with search by product SKU issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Product archive filters condition issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Product price in emails issue. (Topic)
FIXED: “Back in Stock” email repeating products issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Product swatches in mobile device. (Topic)
FIXED: WPBakery Template Library with “Templatera” plugin issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Justify Gallery. (Topic)
FIXED: Product Categories widget after back in history. (Topic)
FIXED: Button clicks on “Mobile bottom navigation” bar on mobile devices. (Topic)
FIXED: Active menu items color during scrolling on the “Beauty” prebuilt website. (Topic)
FIXED: Portfolio sidebar in mobile devices. (Topic)
FIXED: Ajax actions for dynamic discount table element. (Topic)
FIXED: Menu anchor Elementor widget with sticky header rows. (Topic)
FIXED: Lazy loading image in cart page issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Screen reader styles without the WooCommerce plugin enabled. (Topic)
FIXED: Enqueue size guide table style. (Topic)
FIXED: Even product grid with AJAX recently viewed products issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Action of the back button for product categories. (Topic)
FIXED: Free shipping bar compatibility with CURCY – WooCommerce Multi Currency Premium. (Topic)
FIXED: PHP notices.
UPDATED: WooCommerce template.
UPDATED: Wishlist emails template.
UPDATED: Google fonts list.
IMPROVED: Pagination for single product main carousel. (Topic)
DEV: Added filter “woodmart_product_pricing_amount_discounts_value” for price column on dynamic discount table. (Topic)
DEV: Added filter “woodmart_search_form_args” to change WoodMart search forms arguments. (Topic)
DEV: Added filter “woodmart_default_checkout_fields” for register custom checkout fields in manager. (Topic)
DEV: Added filter “woodmart_products_title_tag” for product element.

04-07-2024 – Update version 7.5.2

FIXED: Header navigation labels. (Topic)
FIXED: Blog element on single post issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Lazy loading with Author area element issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Google Lighthouse notices. (Topic)
FIXED: Pagespeed insights – accessibility notices. (Topic)
FIXED: Order attribution option with checkout layouts. (Topic)
FIXED: Render term hint. (Topic)
FIXED: Quantity input calculation issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Validator error in mobile navigation script. (Topic)
FIXED: PHP warning in WooCommerce product tabs. (Topic)
FIXED: Save product attributes with rare symbols. (Topic)
FIXED: Render product attributes. (Topic)
FIXED: Hide “to” price option with Facebook in-app browser. (Topic)
FIXED: HTML blocks for editor user role.
FIXED: Elements settings styles in WPBakery 7.7.1.
FIXED: PHP errors. (Topic)
FIXED: Show variation SKU in “Thank you page”. (Topic)
FIXED: Linked attribute name with Polylang plugin issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Product quantity in related and upsells products. (Topic)
FIXED: Filters without AJAX functionality. (Topic)
FIXED: Check webp file exist for Product gallery option. (Topic)
FIXED: Content width in Elementor Container element.(Topic)
FIXED: Single product image gallery issue. (Topic)(Topic)
FIXED: Hidden sidebar tabs translation issue.
IMPROVED: Header builder “Backdrop filter” option rendering position.
UPDATED: “Container stretch” option in Elementor Container element.
UPDATE: WooCommerce template.

19-04-2024 - Update version 7.5.1
  • FIXED: Source tag for product gallery in loop.
  • FIXED: Checkout layout issue with WooCommerce Order Attribution option enabled.
  • FIXED: Mobile menu problem.
  • FIXED: Enqueue magnific library in side hidden tabs.
  • FIXED: Remove duplicate price for variable product with Quick shop issue.
  • FIXED: Maintenance page style issue.
  • FIXED: Product attributes tooltips issue.
  • FIXED: Typography control with WP Bakery page builder issue.
  • UPDATE: WooCommerce template.
16-04-2024 – Update version 7.5
  • NEW VERSION: Pills
  • NEW VERSION: Organic Farm
  • ADDED: Layout “Hidden sidebar” for “Product tabs” in layouts.
  • ADDED: Mobile categories’ layout “Hidden sidebar”.
  • ADDED: Backdrop-filter for header builder rows.
  • ADDED: Option “Accordion on mobile” for “Product tabs” element.
  • ADDED: Product attributes term tooltip.
  • ADDED: Show SKU on checkout page option.
  • ADDED: Option “Dropdown padding” for “Default” design dropdown.
  • ADDED: “Initial number in stock” option in product bulk edit.
  • ADDED: Show the name of the selected HTML Block in the WPBakery admin.
  • ADDED: Width option for Image or SVG element on WPBakery.
  • ADDED: Animation options for Video element on WPBakery.
  • ADDED: WooCommerce Empty Cart page builder.
  • ADDED: Product archive “Filtered by term” condition.
  • FIXED: Hide empty categories option.
  • FIXED: Frequently Bought Together JS error.
  • FIXED: Sticky navigation issue in Firefox browser.
  • FIXED: WCFM buttons on product archive page.
  • FIXED: “Empty Space” element size range options on WPBakery.
  • FIXED: Sticky product on single product page, without layouts.
  • FIXED: Double dropdown icon in Elementor forms.
  • FIXED: Duplicated “clear” button on the single product page.
  • FIXED: Product categories default style with white color scheme.
  • FIXED: Scrollbar width on Chromium browser.
  • FIXED: Product hover buttons in Advanced button styles option.
  • FIXED: Removed scroll when popups are enabled on the mobile.
  • FIXED: Removed empty wrapper in “Product meta value” short code.
  • FIXED: Some themes check warnings.
  • FIXED: Sticky column with load AJAX issue.
  • FIXED: Sticky container visibility issue.
  • FIXED: Translations in theme settings and theme license page.
  • FIXED: AJAX product tabs element with AJAX load page issue.
  • FIXED: Wave Validator errors.
  • FIXED: Connect Instagram API issue.
  • FIXED: Duplicate selections in “Product filters” after return to the previous page.
  • FIXED: Load product grid element issue.
  • FIXED: Product element issue.
  • FIXED: Output the values of the “Discount” column in the Dynamic Pricing Table.
  • FIXED: Product gallery on the products loop with product list view issue.
  • FIXED: Swap menus option in Mobile menu Header Builder element.
  • FIXED: 360 degree view element init.
  • FIXED: Ajax Products Tabs element for WPBakery page builder.
  • FIXED: Update WooCommerce registration form.
  • FIXED: Scroll per page with element Brand issue.
  • FIXED: PHP error in product element.
  • FIXED: Ajax action “woodmart_get_recently_viewed_products”.
  • FIXED: PHP Error.
  • FIXED: Google Map element on Elementor builder.
  • FIXED: Mobile menu console errors.
  • FIXED: Lazy loading image issue.
  • FIXED: Links validator issue.
  • FIXED: Product filter with query type “AND” issue.
  • FIXED: Layout PHP notice on WooCommerce order page.
  • FIXED: Checkout Manager fields render.
  • FIXED: Free shipping bar compatibility with WooCommerce Payments.
  • FIXED: Capability for Layouts and Dynamic Discounts.
  • FIXED: Dynamic Discounts with Login to see add to cart and prices option.
  • FIXED: Side login form issue.
  • FIXED: Remove unnecessary products from wishlist on first page loading.
  • FIXED: Single product tabs issue.
  • FIXED: WooCommerce export products issue.
  • FIXED: Image crop with SVG image issue.
  • REFACTORED: Header builder styles.
  • REFACTORED: Magnific popup styles.
  • IMPROVED: Render SVG with image tag in Infobox, Section title, Tabs, AJAX tabs elements.
  • IMPROVED: Moved close button for popup.
  • IMPROVED: Renamed Accordion style “Shadow” to “Boxed” and added background option for this style.
  • IMPROVED: Warning notice when trying to create a single product layout when no products exist.
  • IMPROVED: Recently view product with cache plugin.
  • DEV: Added filter “woodmart_render_svg_with_image_tag” for SVG icons in Infobox, Section title, Tabs, AJAX tabs elements.
  • DEV: Added “woodmart_show_all_products_button_in_categories_nav” filter.
  • UPDATED: Google fonts list.
18-01-2024 – Update version 7.4.3
  • FIXED: Checkout fields manager conflict with WooCommerce Version 8.5.0.
  • FIXED: Drilldown back button.
  • FIXED: AJAX product tabs spacing issue.
  • FIXED: Single product image with Photoswipe issue.
  • FIXED: PHP notices.
  • FIXED: Sticky container option in RTL.
  • FIXED: Result count element update after load more products.
  • FIXED: Add custom field option in edit product page.
  • FIXED: Updating url after use PhotoSwipe gallery.
  • FIXED: Notices with WooCommerce 8.5.0.
  • FIXED: Show single variation with draft product status issue.
  • FIXED: “View details” button in “Quick view”.
  • FIXED: Product labels visibility in carousel with “Lazy loading” enabled in Safari browser.
  • FIXED: Carousel overflow issue in Safari browser
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