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  • Create Date 4 September 2024
  • Last Updated 4 September 2024

SmartEnd CMS (v10.0.4) Laravel Admin Dashboard Nulled

Version 10.0.4 (July 26, 2024)

How to update to Smartend version 10.0.4?
- Update: To The latest Laravel v10.48.16 (Requires PHP >= 8.1).
- Fix: Resolve file manager security issue.
- Fix: Correct timezone changing issue.
- Fix: Google analytics code not working issue.
- Fix: Using more than H1 tag on the page issue.
- Fix: Removing module or custom field issue if it contain data.
- Fix: Contact page changing language issue.
- Fix: Hiding sub menu contents issue.
- Fix: Hiding custom field from frontend when not permitted.
- Fix: Google reCAPTCHA bypass issue.
- Fix: View all data table records on dashboard listing page.
- Fix: Reset password issue and disable it if mail not configured.
- Fix: Disallow JavaScript and CSS tags in system input fields.
- Fix: Changing admin path issue.
- Feature: Adding dark mode for frontend.
- Feature: Adding tags module.
- Feature: adding popups module.
- Feature: Adding a new divider or static text field in form building.
- Feature: Adding a phone with country code field in form building.
- Feature: Adding custom link for every language on banners.
- Feature: Adding a new module type for documentation listing.
- Feature: integrate Mailchimp for newsletter mailing.
- Feature: Ability to customize data tables columns view on dashboard.
- Feature: Ability to set a link for nested menu base title.
- Feature: Ability to filter by category on dashboard topics list page.
- Feature: Ability to filter using created_by field.
- Feature: Ability to search in categories.
- Feature: Improve the sitemap functionality.
- Feature: Ability to print topic view page on dashboard.
- Feature: Ability to insert custom code on head or body for the frontend.
- Feature: Enable toggling of debug mode from dashboard.
- Feature: Enable toggling of SEO tab for any module.
- Feature: Enable toggling of the ID column view for any module.
- Feature: System and structure improvements.

Version 10.0.3 (February 23, 2024)

- Update: To The latest Laravel v10.44.0 (Requires PHP >= 8.1).
- Fix: Category defining on importing data to the site section.
- Fix: Add the translation of all languages to the date picker.
- Fix: Hide the language flag for one language websites
- Fix: Speedup loading for dashboard data tables on big data.
- Feature: Improve loading speed by indexing, caching config and route caching.
- Feature: Improve SEO and add nested slugs by section/category/topic.
- Feature: Rebuild frontend theme with bootstrap 5 support.
- Feature: Add more control of frontend theme colors with predefined sets.
- Feature: Ability to make the menu bar transparent over the homepage slider.
- Feature: Add custom video player for hosted video files.
- Feature: Add custom sound player for audio files.
- Feature: Add the FAQ section (Accordion View) type
- Feature: Add clone topics feature.
- Feature: Ability to add up to 3 levels on the main website menu.
- Feature: Ability to add up to 3 levels on categories.
- Feature: Ability to add an icon to any link on the website menu.
- Feature: Ability to set links to open in a new tab automatically.
- Feature: Ability to add a custom link for every language on the website menu.
- Feature: Support any language on page slugs.
- Feature: Add cover photo for site section, category or topic.
- Feature: Add Support to ".webp" extension on photos.
- Feature: Add optimize & resize feature for images on SEO settings.
- Feature: Show sitemap links on SEO settings.
- Feature: Ability to add html on close message on maintenance mode.
- Feature: Add custom route file and custom controller for any customization.
- Feature: Ability to overwrite any page by custom coded page.
- Feature: Add Table of content feature for CKEditor.
- Feature: Add Thread link on social media links.
- Feature: Ability to show a general search box on frontend header.
- Feature: Ability to show cookies policy notification.
IMPORTANT: This update will affect your website SEO because it will change all the website links to a new nested path depending on "section/category/topic".
You may need to change some pages slugs or menu links.

Version 10.0.0 (July 01, 2023)

- Update: To The latest Laravel v10.14.1 (Requires PHP >= 8.1).
- Fix: Add the full file path on File Manager properties window.
- Fix: Add the full uel for files and images on tinymce wysiwyg Editor
- Fix: RSS issue on some site sections.
- Fix: Related topics issue if topic was deleted.
- Fix: Show the frontend footer always on the page end.
- Fix: Change Analytics page url column length to text.
- Feature: Add an internal Updater for quick system updating.
- Feature: Add the reCAPTCHA if activated to the login page.
- Feature: Add the ability to import data to any site section on dashboard.
- Feature: Return to the same page after changing the language on frontend.
- Feature: Add new type of site sections (Private with search page on frontend).
- Feature: Show the ID with every record on dashboard.
- Feature: Add share via Whatsapp button to topic view page.
- Feature: Add Português Language with full translation (Thanks to falecomluanbispo).

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