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  • Version
  • Download 1451
  • File Size 10.20 MB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date 12 April 2024
  • Last Updated 30 September 2024

Slider Revolution v6.7.20 Download

Slider Revolution Changelog

Version 6.7.20 (30th September 2024)

    • Introducing the “Keep Media when Slide Unfocused” option for Media Layers, allowing media to continue playing when the Carousel Slide is no longer in focus.
    • The Custom JavaScript API variable are not defined for modal modules.
    • Scroll-based Timeline navigation not working in modal modules.
    • HTML5 videos not playing on slides beyond the first, or if more than one video was added to the page.
    • A black flash is visible during advanced transitions since version 6.7.19.
    • The carousel freezes if a video auto-paused during a slide change.
    • Slow dragging Carousel over 50% slide width missaligned after transition

Version 6.7.17 (8th August 2024)

  • Carousel added in a flex container without dimensions generates an endless loop breaking the page
  • Background coloring and background image of the module is miscalculated if the module is embeded via an shortcode in WordPress containers

Version 6.7.16 (5th August 2024)

  • Preview is shown with SR6 engine in backend, even if the SR7 engine is selected as default rendering engine
  • Click on modal underlay, or outside of the modal window is not closing the modal itself in SR7
  • REST/Ajax calls did not add a header 200 response code
  • Video was not playing on carousel slider all the time when set to loop and always visible
  • Mobile touch navigation does not allow to scroll to content below a slider
  • Pause on hover not working when progress bar is disabled
  • Problem with loading images containing some special characters in the image name
  • Alternative image on mobile IE fallback settings was not functional
  • Simulate click action not working on mobile when touch swipe is enabled
  • Images with url relative to root can’t be loaded
  • Problem with loading CDN images containing second protocol name in its url
  • Mouse wheel navigation options threshold and call delay have no effect
  • Slider does not resize correctly when orientation is switched back to portrait after landscape on mobile

Version 6.7.15 (10th July 2024)

  • Zone positions on mobile sizes are not calculated well on some slides
  • Vimeo arguments are ignored in SR7 frontend on background videos
  • Perspective is set on layers if they dont have any rotation, breaking fonts on iOS
  • Deep link is not working on carousel layout
  • First alternative slide is not working on any layout in SR7
  • Video with auto height not resized properly
  • Static layers can not be triggered any more by normal layers via actions
  • Video slider are skipping slides if they are set to rewind and switch the slide at the end of the video
  • Content on mobile phones are offsetted after oriention change
  • Video overlay color settings has no effects
  • Images using auto width and height dimensions in columns are not respecting their parent container dimensions

Version 6.7.14 (25th June 2024)

  • Mute & unmute videos not working well in some cases
  • If preloading is active for the SR7 Data Load Method, global slides are not loaded from the third slider onwards
  • Global setting “Include library globally” is not respected by the SR7 engine
  • Slider not initialized when optimized by Rocket Loader
  • SR7 removes sibling tags like span and p
  • Vimeo attributes like pip, dnt, pip, transcript, portrait are not working
  • The ToolBarTopFunction is still using the jQuery library, producing some errors in preview pages if jQuery is not loaded
  • Fullscreen height on mobile is not respecting min height of content in some cases
  • Parallax disabled on mobile still calculates the initial offset position of parallax elements which renders all layers at the wrong position
  • SVG export with starting // is not processed properly
  • Background image on module repeated even if the option is not selected
  • Media library image was not showing for post based slides if featured image on a post was missing
  • Security hardening to prevent XSS: Input sanitization and output escaping now enforced on layer actions

Version 6.7.13 (6th June 2024)


  • Depricated Next Slide on Focus and Disable Blur/Focus behaviour options and introduced new V7 Freeze On Blur option


  • Enable Google Fonts global option does not respect “Disable” and loads https://fonts.googleapis.com and https://fonts.gstatic.com/
  • Alternate URL for module is not migrated from SR6 to SR7
  • DeepLink Hash Tags in URl break Modules if they added on 3thd place or later
  • “Next Slide on Focus” and “Disable Blur/Focus Behavior” settings do not affect runtime processing
  • Lottie and BubbleMorph AddOns not working in admin preview due to incorrect layer classes names
  • Mouse Wheel navigation not working when screen size height is smaller than slider height
  • Looping Slide not respecting the End time, but will restart after the last animated frame on timeline
  • Missing background color for layers with background image assigned
  • Global Layers with “auto” height and “%” width may not drawn straight if Module is starting outside of the viewport
  • Loading Modals delayed, via PHP Filters may not set the defult Dimensions correctly on opened Modules
  • Modal shows missaligned and with the wrong dimensions if Modal Module layout set to Auto

Version 6.7.11 (15th May 2024)


  • Parallax effect on Mobile reacting only on touchmove and not simple touches any more
  • Attribute alt and title on images are missing in source mode
  • Rows and Columns are ignoring parallax and loop animations
  • Ajax form sumbit not working for Contact Form 7 added to layer via shortcode
  • Special Effect keeps playing on layer hidden by device visibility options
  • HTML Video Toggle Mute action had to be double fired to mute video for the first time
  • If SVG elements added (i.e. Charts) an extra space generated under the Module
  • Deeplink Slide targets not working in SR7
  • Module Margins and Paddings are not respected and rendered
  • Overdimensioned Modules behave differently in SR7 than SR6 when Screen size smaller on some Responsive screensizes
  • Link action on YouTube stream based slides is leading to the same url of the last video
  • If slide is hidden from navigation it cause JavaScript error and break navigation
  • Security hardening to prevent XSS: Input sanitization and output escaping now enforced on layer attributes and Elementor widget attributes
Version 6.7.10 (6th May 2024)


  • Touch Swipe is not working on Hoverable and Clickable elements
  • Min Height set on Auto layout also respected on Fullwdith and Fullscreen layouts
  • Post Excerpts Meta {{excerpt}} is not shortened by the slider setting Limit Excerpt in Velocity Engine
  • Images with special Charachters in URL not loading
  • {{link}} meta is not working on slide Tags & Links in Post Based Sliders
  • HTML5 Volume set >1 stops the Module with JS error
Version 6.7.9 (30th April 2024)


  • Media position miscalculated when no aspect ratio is set and aspect ratio unavailable at preload.
  • Permission checks missing for Instagram and Facebook API requests.
  • Potential XSS vulnerabilities due to unescaped output of slider parameters.
  • ‘Touchstart’ and ‘Touchend’ behavior on mobile devices differs from SR6.
  • ‘mailto:’ and ‘tel:’ simple link actions removed in SR7 frontend.
  • SVGs within ‘a’ tag layers not respecting parent layer dimensions.
  • Hero Slide fails to initiate if navigation visibility was previously configured.
  • Timeline set to loop through a single frame does not loop in SR7.
  • Elementor backend does not display SR7 Modules in Live Editor.
  • Scroll-based timelines break visually when layout is set to fullscreen and browser height is less than module height.
  • SR7 Frontend loads slower if Modules added via Shortcode, due missing JSON SR7 needs to load per restApi the datas on demand
Version 6.7.8 (24th April 2024)


  • Links containing “#” disrupt URL construction and can cause Module failure upon loading
  • Security hardening to prevent XSS: Input sanitization and output escaping now enforced on ‘htmltag’ and ‘tag layer’ parameters to thwart script injection attacks
Version 6.7.7 (23rd April 2024)


  • Templates and Modules with links (action of simple links) may scroll down at opening the page
Version 6.7.6 (23rd April 2024)


  • Navigation is not visible if the ‘Hide Under’ value is bigger the highest Device Size set in Module
  • ‘In’ Animation duration under 75ms not triggering any events, addon relaying on events are not starting
  • System Fonts are loaded by Google Fonts API, which breaks all Google Fonts on the same page
  • HTML5 Video without Poster image (first frame image) breaks at startanimation
  • Custom SVG upload fails
Version 6.7.5 (19th April 2024)


  • Empty Tag Removal in Text Layers: Empty span and p tags within text layers are removed, despite being used for visual effects or by third-party functions.
  • Image Rendering with Special Characters: Images with special space characters used as background for shapes cause rendering issues in SR7.
  • Gradient and Image Conflict: Elements with both gradient coloring and an image source render only the image, ignoring gradient colors in the frontend.
  • Container Dimension Calculation Error: Container rendering dimensions are incorrectly calculated if module width and height are oversized on desktop level.
  • Video Autoplay Issue in Safari: Unmuted videos fail to start without user interaction on Safari browser.
  • Scroll Timeline Displacement: Modules based on scroll timeline without a fixed position are calculated with oversized height upon initialization, causing incorrect scrolling behavior with Scroll to Id navigation.
  • PanZoom Effect shows the original Image underlaying the Pan Zoom effect, causing a double effect
  • Simple Link and Menu Link forwards to the wrong address based on the different settings
  • Simple and Menu Link fails if target is a simple hash char
  • Slide Background Video loops even option is disabled
  • HTML Export for V7 engine does not export V7 data
  • Formating the WordPress date format in a wrong way can cause the Slider Revolution backend to produce JS errors
  • Image From Stream option produced error when there were no Stream available
  • Global Custom Fonts are not written in V7 engine output
Version 6.7.4 (16th April 2024)


  • Media Filters Missing: Slide backgrounds lack the configured media filters, impacting visual consistency.
  • Migration Failure with AddOns: Enabling Exploding Layers AddOns causes migration processes to fail.
  • Min Height Calculation Error: Setting ‘Min Height’ to ‘none’ calculates the Content Flow height as NaN, disrupting the layout integrity.
  • AddOns Loading Issue in Smart Mode: AddOns placed in the 4th position or later under Smart Loading mode fail to load some necessary resources.
  • SVG Layer Visibility Issue: SVG layers become invisible when inner component IDs are duplicated, leading to display inconsistencies.
  • Editor Breakage at Small Dimensions: Setting module dimensions to under 10px causes the editor to break, impairing usability.
  • Text Layer Width Issue: Text layers with ‘width’ set to ‘auto’ disregard ‘max-width’ settings, leading to content overflow.
  • Font Loading Issue: Fonts do not load if ‘Cache Fonts Locally’ is enabled and only one font weight is used across the DOM in a single module.
  • Module Migration Issue in SR6 Editor: Saving and migrating modules may alter Responsive Height settings if previously unset, scaling them based on larger dimensions.
Version 6.7.3 (12th April 2024)


  • Carousel Interaction Issue: Dragging the carousel with a longer delay causes an overjump of the next element if it’s already in focus.
  • Rapidly click on Navigation elements makes the Carousel aniamtion stuttering
  • Text Layer Issue: Text layers cannot be selected, even with ‘Layer Selectable’ enabled in default settings.
  • Video Dimension Issue: HTML5 video elements receive incorrect dimensions on the 2nd and subsequent slides if a fullscreen video exists on the first slide.
Version 6.7.2 (11th April 2024)


  • Background Color Animation Issue: Animations fail to transition from a colored background to a transparent background when custom colors are set within the animation settings.
  • Dimension Calculation Error: Elements with a previously set Module alignment within any container are miscalculating dimensions, due to issues with the marked Module-based alignment setting.
  • DOM Layer Rewrite Conflict: Existing layers in the Document Object Model (DOM) are being rewritten upon initializing the module, which results in the malfunction of shortcodes and similar components.
  • File Name Loading Error: Files that contain ‘none-break narrow space’ characters in their names fail to load, leading to potential accessibility and data retrieval issues.
  • Module Resizing Inconsistency: In specific scenarios, modules that are excessively large (both vertically and horizontally) encounter issues in linearly resizing underlying layers, leading to inconsistent display and layout problems.
  • Responsive Module Sizing Error: Incorrect module sizing observed when Responsive dimensions are not previously modified, leading to layout discrepancies.
  • Background Overlay: Issues with background dotted overlays not rendering on colored or image-based module backgrounds; dotted overlay omitted from slide backgrounds when globally enabled.
  • Image List Modification Conflict: Third-party cache plugins altering image lists and modifying data attribute names, causing disruptions in the Image loading process of SR7.
  • Plugin Extension Removal by Third-party Integrations: Third-party themes and plugins are removing loaded plugin extensions, leading to significant layout and functionality issues in Slider Revolution 7.
  • Rapid Slide Change Issue: If multiple slide change requests are made in quick succession, the slides switch immediately without waiting for animations to complete, creating a disjointed and buggy user experience.
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