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  • Create Date 20 September 2024
  • Last Updated 20 September 2024

66Uptime (v37.0) (Extended) Uptime & Cronjob Monitoring tool Nulled

Update 37.0.0 - 13 September, 2024

Implemented a new Status Page theme (you can now choose between 2 pre-built ones).
Implemented the Twitter Posts notification handler.
Implemented the ability to set Heartbeats on Status pages.
Implemented the ability to set the default order by via the account preference page for various resources.
Implemented the ability to duplicate Status pages, Monitors, Heartbeats, Domain names, Server monitors, DNS monitors.
Implemented the ability to hide the header text on Status pages.
Implemented the ability to ignore the SSL verification on monitor HTTPS format.
Implemented the ability to set a custom Reply To email for the SMTP system.
Implemented the ability to set custom CC, BCC emails for the SMTP system.
Implemented the ability to set the amount of days the Remember Me cookie will be kept, configurable via the admin panel.
Implemented the ability to use Custom Variables inside the Custom JS field of the admin panel - settings - custom page.
Implemented the new redesigned admin panel dashboard widgets, along with the new monthly data.
Implemented the new Cities Statistics chart for admin panel - statistics - users map page.
Implemented the new Device Type Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - users page.
Implemented the new Browsers Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - users page.
Implemented the new OS Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - users page.
Implemented the new Payment Processors Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - payments page.
Implemented the new Payment Plans Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - payments page.
Implemented the new Payment Types Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - payments page.
Implemented the new Payment Frequencies Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - payments page.
Implemented the ability to send out webhooks when a user updates their profile settings, configurable via the admin panel.
Implemented the ability to translate announcements via the admin panel - settings - announcements page.
Implemented the ability to translate affiliate plugin custom notes via the admin panel - settings - affiliate page.
Implemented the ability to use custom variables & spintax for announcements via the admin panel - settings - announcements page.
Implemented the ability to use new filters for Admin Broadcasts: cities, languages, operating systems & browsers.
Implemented the ability to use new filters for Admin Internal Notifications: cities, languages, operating systems & browsers.
Implemented the ability to use new variables for Admin Broadcasts & Admin Internal Notifications, such as User country, city, browser, os...etc.
Implemented admin panel version notification bar which will alert you when new product updates go live.
Implemented the ability to set a description (meta) for featured images in blog posts.
Implemented the ability to Custom Body contents (Google Tag manager for example) via the admin panel - settings - custom page.
Improved the status page default look.
Improved PWA plugin setting to be able to display the info download bar after X amount of seconds.
Added the total users & percentages used for each admin panel - languages page.
Added the users percentages used for each admin panel - plans page.
Google, Cloudflare, Turnstile captchas will now support Dark Mode when used.
Reorganized the admin panel - settings - main page.
Admin panel - settings - announcements can now be enabled/disabled with ease (instead of removing content to disable them)
Reworked the admin panel - plugins page to a more aesthetically pleasing one.
Reworked the admin panel - codes page look and UX.
Improved the look of the campaigns list table.
Improved all the creation on / updated on tooltips to include how much time has passed.
Fixed issues with incorrect dates showing on charts when different timezones are used.
Fixed issues with some complex filters when used in the admin panel.
Fixed issues with Broadcast links not properly working in some cases when tracking is enabled.
Fixed issues with Broadcast View Stats page not properly working in some cases.

Update 36.0.0 - 31 July, 2024

Implemented the ability to set the default order by via the account preference page for Monitors, Heartbeats, Server monitors, Domain names, DNS Monitors, Status pages.
Implemented new filters for DNS monitors, Heartbeats, Domain names pages.
PHP 8.1 is now minimum required PHP version.
Improved prompt for AI translations in the admin panel.
Added GPT 4o and GPT 4o mini in the admin panel settings for auto translations.
Added versioning to all asset links to avoid potential issues on new updates due to cached asset files.
Ads & cookie consent message (if set) will no longer show when using the print option of a browser.
Improved the admin panel - settings - cache page.
Improved the custom domains system caching to require less manual cache removals.
Reworked the cron job stats cleaner to be more performant and use less resources.
Improved numerous feature systems to not run extra checks and queries if that particular feature is disabled (domains, themes, templates, pixels...etc).
Added 4 new great fonts for the status pages system.
Fixed admin panel auto translate feature not properly working.
Fixed statistics cities section not properly showing the country name / icon.
Fixed issues with set filters after deletion of certain resources.
Fixed statistics retention automatic clearing not properly taking into consideration the user plan.
Fixed blog RSS not working properly in the presence of some characters.
Fixed footer pages icons not showing up.
Fixed duplication of resources issue when the name of the duplication is too big.
Fixed display issues of dropdowns in some data tables.
Fixed admin panel push notifications campaign filters not saving properly - push notifications plugin.
Fixed admin panel push notifications pagination not properly working - push notifications plugin.
Fixed a few potential security issues with some parts of the software.

Update 35.0.0 - 23 May, 2024

Implemented Cache Busting feature for the Websites Uptime Monitoring system.
4 new fonts added for the status pages feature.
PHP 8.1 is now the minimum PHP version required (from PHP 8.0).
Improved security regarding status pages statistics tracking.
Improved the language auto translation system that is used in the admin panel.
Fixed dashboard sections still showing up even if those features are disabled.
Fixed admin panel - broadcast titles not properly working when using certain characters.
Fixed footer / menu links icons not showing up when added in the admin panel - resources - pages section.
Fixed some export files dynamic namings not working as they should.
Fixed Push Notification plugin not properly saving and using the custom filters when sending a notification.
Fixed some dropdown visual bugs when used inside of low data tables.

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