Betheme 27.5 Nulled Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme

Betheme is not just a WordPress theme; it’s a complete content management system that redefines the way websites are built. With its robust features and recent upgrades making it 3X faster, Betheme Nulled stands as a game-changer in the world of WordPress themes. This multipurpose theme brings together a variety of tools and options, enabling users to craft stunning websites with unparalleled speed and efficiency.

Overview: Betheme’s key strength lies in its BeBuilder, the fastest WordPress page builder, which simplifies the website creation process. Boasting 700+ themed, pre-built websites and 2000+ importable page designs, Betheme offers an extensive range of options. The theme’s compatibility with WooCommerce, advanced options, performance settings, and customizable builders positions it as a versatile solution for diverse businesses.




1. BeBuilder – The Fastest WordPress Page Builder

Betheme accelerates website development with its BeBuilder, a swift and intuitive page builder that simplifies the customization process.

2. 700+ Themed, Pre-built Websites

Users can choose from a vast collection of pre-built websites, including options for electric, veterinarian, loan agency, charity agency, and many more. Constant additions ensure a diverse range of themes.

3. WooCommerce Compatibility

With WooCommerce integration, Betheme Free Download allows users to create their own e-commerce store effortlessly, complete with shopping cart functionality and product management.

4. Advanced Theme Options

Betheme offers a plethora of advanced theme options, empowering users to tailor the look and functionality of their websites with ease.

5. Website Performance Settings

Users have control over performance settings, ensuring that their websites not only look great but also load faster, pleasing both end-users and search engines.

6. Header/Footer Builder and Theme Builder

Customize the header, footer, and overall theme using the dedicated builders provided by Betheme. Create a unique online presence with the freedom to design every aspect of your website.

7. 3X Faster

Recent upgrades have made Betheme three times faster, delivering a smoother and more efficient website building experience.

Features Continued

8. 4 Different Grid Layouts

Betheme offers four grid layouts – 1240px Boxed, 960px Boxed, 1240px Full Width, and 960px Full Width – providing flexibility in design.

9. Widgetized Top Area

The widgetized top area adds a layer of interactivity, allowing users to explore different sections easily.

10. Awesome Layouts Generator

Betheme features an layouts generator that offers unlimited possibilities. Users can choose between different logos, headers, layouts, grids, or skins.

11. Unlimited Menus

The theme supports unlimited menus, allowing users to assign different menus to different pages, enhancing navigation flexibility.

12. Customizable Entry Effects on Scroll

Choose from 22 different entry effects to add a touch of dynamism to your website as users scroll through its content.

13. Custom Font Uploader

Upload any font of your choice and use it for your website, enhancing brand consistency and identity.

14. 7 Different Header Versions

Betheme provides seven header versions, including Modern, Classic, and various Stack options, allowing users to pick a style that suits their brand.

15. Under Construction/Maintenance Mode & Blank Page

The theme includes a convenient under-construction/maintenance mode and a blank page feature for ongoing development or special landing pages.

16. 12 Predefined Skins

Choose from twelve predefined skins to kickstart your website’s visual appeal, or create your own unique skin.

17. One Page Website Possibility

Implement a one-page website with a nice scroll effect, offering a modern and sleek user experience.

18. Smooth & Reliable Parallax Effect

The parallax effect adds a layer of sophistication to your website, enhancing visual appeal.

19. Slider Revolution Included

A $29 value, Slider Revolution is included with Betheme, allowing users to create responsive and swipe-enabled sliders with ease.

20. Awesome Drag & Drop Muffin Builder

Betheme provides a fast and easy-to-use Muffin Builder for pages, posts, and portfolios, with over 40 items and many different layouts.

21. Over 200 Muffin Builder and Shortcodes Items

Enhance your website with over 200 items, including various layouts and options, available through Muffin Builder and shortcodes.

22. WooCommerce Ready

Betheme is fully compatible with WooCommerce, making it easy to set up and manage your e-commerce store.

Conclusion: Betheme – Pioneering WordPress Excellence with Unrivaled Versatility and Speed

Betheme stands as a powerhouse in the WordPress theme landscape, offering unmatched versatility and speed. With a vast array of features, including the BeBuilder, pre-built websites, WooCommerce compatibility, and recent speed upgrades, Betheme empowers users to create stunning websites with ease. Elevate your online presence with Betheme – where speed, functionality, and design converge to redefine the WordPress experience.



Version 27.5 – June 26th, 2024
* Added: WooCommerce Builder - Cart, Checkout, and Thank you page builder
* Added: WooCommerce Builder - Single product - Add to Cart element - Variations label position
* Added: Templates: Blog & Portfolio - Conditions - Option to select all categories
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Edit element without attributes
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Global wraps - Placing the same global sections on a single page
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Global wraps - After changing the global wrap a few times, the options in the dropdown menu presets disappear
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Disable parallax in the builder preview window
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Parallax background - Image always covers the full background
* Fixed: Header Builder - Active menu item - 'current-menu-ancestor' and 'current-product_cat-ancestor' classes support
* Fixed: Popup Builder - Slider element inside popup - Initialize slider after popup opens
* Fixed: Footer style: Sliding - Recalculation delay to allow styles to load
* Fixed: Query Loops - Section - In each responsive view, the sizes of elements and wrappers from the desktop are displayed
* Fixed: Query Loops - Post tag
* 2 Pre-built websites: City Hall 2, Craft Beer 3
* 2 Elementor pre-built websites: City Hall 2, Craft Beer 3

Version 27.4.4 – May 27th, 2024

  • Buttons – Additional style options and separate Shop button styles
  • BeBuilder – Section – Background attachment: Parallax
  • BeBuilder – Hover Color element – Color fields id
  • BeBuilder – Re-editing elements with position: absolute
  • Popup builder – Reset popup conditions after pre-built website importing
  • Page Options – Checkbox fields
  • Single post & Single portfolio – Subheader settings
  • Query Loops – Load more button – Missing Images Loaded JS plugin
  • Performance – Builder local styles: Inline in header – Include templates: Blog, Portfolio & WooCommerce
  • BeBuilder Blocks Classic – HTML & HotSpot elements, elements icons
  • BeBuilder Blocks Classic – Missing some new elements icons
  • WooCommerce Builder – Missing woocommerce_archive_description hook added
  • Pre-built website 2: Blogger 5Adventure 3
  • Elementor pre-built website 2: Blogger 5Adventure 3

Version 27.4.3 – May 8th, 2024

* Fixed: BeBuilder - Sidebar field - Undefined value causes the builder to crash
* Fixed: BeBuilder Blocks Classic - Section & Wrap - Advanced tab values 

* Fixed: Live Search element - Search results window - Button href attribute
* Fixed: Blog - Single Post - Slider Revolution
* Fixed: Portfolio - Load more button - Missing Images Loaded JS plugin

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