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  • Create Date 8 May 2024
  • Last Updated 23 September 2024

Unlimited Elements For Elementor pro v1.5.123 Download


version 1.5.122: 2024-09-17

* Change: allow tags in post intros again
* Fix: fixed some small php security issues from pachstack
* Feature: improve protection against scripts and styles collision between themes and plugins
version 1.5.121: 2024-09-04

* Fix: make work the pagination widget without ajax again
* Fix: enabled post ordering when selecting by post id's from dynamic fields
* Fix: fixed some safary bug in the galleries and autoplay
* Fix: dome some db queries optimization to post list field
* Feature: added general setting for showing remote error messages only to admins
* Feature: added option for "max posts" for manual posts selection in post widgets
* Fix: added support for web-cli on installing and activating plugin with the additional db tables
version 1.5.120: 2024-08-25

* Fix: fixed small php bugs
version 1.5.119 2024-08-23

Plugin Changes:

* Fix: fixed backgrounds selector didn't saved bug
* Fix: fixed load more and avoid duplicates bug

Widgets Changes:

* Feature: Card Carousel (Free) - Made Transition Speed option responsive for improved adaptability.
* Feature: Loop Grid (Pro) - Added 'Empty Message Type' and 'Empty Message Template' options to display an Elementor Template when no items are found in the Loop Grid widget.
* Feature: Slider Gallery (Free) - Introduced a new option for selecting the video play button type. Added styling options to customize the appearance of the play button.
* Feature: Material Carousel (Pro) - Added the features of Item Direction, Vertical Alignment, Horizontal Alignment in the style panel.
* Feature: Slider Gallery (Free) - Added Custom Close Button Type option and styling option for it.
* Change: Portfolio Carousel (Pro) - Made minor adjustments to how widgets behave after a filter selection. These changes improve the responsiveness and functionality of the widgets post-filter application.
* Change: Quantity Increment Buttons (Pro) - Included the name="quantity" attribute to the input element in the widget for improved form handling and data identification.
* Change: Slider Gallery (Free) - Removed percentage and vh units from the Gallery Height option due to unsupported units.
* Fix: vCard (Pro) - Fixed issue where images were not being added even when the "Include Image in Contact" option was set.
* Fix: Checkboxes Filter (Pro) - Fixed issue where the Dropdown was opening after a filter selection.
* Fix: Image Zoom Magnifier (Pro) - Added "exclude-shortpixel" class to simplify excluding widget images from optimization, as optimization was disrupting widget functionality.
* Fix: Woo Category Grid (Pro) - Fixed issue where HTML tags were visible in the description text element.
* Fix: Post Grid (Pro) - Resolved an issue where content was not aligning to the left when the corresponding alignment option was enabled.
* Fix: Huge Shapes (Pro) - Removed all console.log statements from the widgets script to clean up the code.
* Fix: Loop Accordion (Pro) - Added the 'raw' filter to the title to fix the issue of '&' rendering as '& amp;'
* Fix: Portfolio Carousel (Pro) - Resolved the issue where the Dynamic Post Popup widget was not functioning correctly. This fix ensures that the widget now operates as intended, addressing the problems users experienced.
version 1.5.118: 2024-08-12

* Fix: categories was invisible in elementor editor free version
* Fix: fixed pagination link click with elementor pro page transition bug
version 1.5.116: 2024-08-08

* Fix: fixed some editor select2 bug
version v1.5.115: 2024-08-06

Plugin Changes

* Feature: added option to use form fields contents in subject and from name fields in submit button
* Feature: added woocommerce minicart extra html hooks
* Feature: filtering now works inside elementor popup
* Feature: added option to sort users by ids in users query
* Feature: integrated get main category functionality with rank math
* Feature: added integration with wpml for sorting filter
* Fix: fixed instagram username validation. added dot to the check.
* Fix: fixed image chooser field update inside the widget editor
* Bug fix: some small bug with fitlering pagination and avoid duplicated option

Widget Changes

* Feature: Select Dropdown Filter (Pro) - Added a Show Number Of Posts option, allowing users to show the number of posts in Select options.
* Feature: Neon Glowing Button Effect (Pro) - Introduced "Neon Animation Speed" option to allow users to control the speed of neon animations.
* Feature: Post Tile (Pro) - Added options to display the post category, fallback image, and post counter index.
* Feature: Content Grid (Pro) - Implemented a Button Text Override option, allowing users to customize the text displayed on buttons for enhanced flexibility and personalization.
* Feature: Dynamic Popup Button (Pro) - Added support for the Advanced Cache option in the Dynamic Post Popup widget, optimizing content loading and improving performance.
* Feature: Unlimited Google Maps (Pro) - Added a Marker Custom Icon option to the Multisource settings, allowing users to customize the appearance of markers with their own icons for enhanced visual representation and clarity.
* Feature: Unlimited Carousel (Pro) - Added a Fallback Image option to provide an alternative image when the primary image fails to load, enhancing user experience and maintaining visual consistency.
* Feature: Post Tabs (Free) - Added a Fallback Image option to provide an alternative image when the primary image fails to load, enhancing user experience and maintaining visual consistency.
* Feature: Layers (Pro) - Added an Enable Link option, allowing users to activate links within the widget for enhanced interactivity and navigation.
* Feature: Neon Glowing Button Effect (Pro) - Introduced 'Hover Animation' option to allow users to add animations when hovering over button.
* Feature: Loop Carousel (Pro) - Added support for the Advanced Cache option in the Dynamic Post Popup widget, optimizing content loading and improving performance.
* Feature: Video Play Button (Free) - Added a Video Max Width option, allowing users to set a maximum width for videos, ensuring consistent and controlled video sizing across different devices and layouts.
* Feature: Loop Grid (Pro) - Added support for the Advanced Cache option in the Dynamic Post Popup widget, optimizing content loading and improving performance.
* Feature: Loop Tabs (Pro) - Added support for the Advanced Cache option in the Dynamic Post Popup widget, optimizing content loading and improving performance.
* Feature: Loop Accordion (Pro) - Added support for the Advanced Cache option in the Dynamic Post Popup widget, optimizing content loading and improving performance.
* Feature: Loop Slider (Pro) - Added support for the Advanced Cache option in the Dynamic Post Popup widget, optimizing content loading and improving performance.
* Change: Logo Marquee (Pro) - Changed image loading time. Now images are visible after js load to avoid content shift before loading page completely.
* Change: Card Carousel (Free) - Changed <p> tag to <div> for Content elements to improve HTML structure and styling flexibility.
* Fix: Textarea Field (Free) - Fixed an issue where the Label Text Align option was not working correctly.
* Fix: Icon Tabs (Pro) - Fixed the issue causing the page to scroll after selecting a tab.
* Fix: Tile Gallery (Free) - Added support for using the Tile Gallery Widget within the Elementor Accordion.
* Fix: Fullscreen Menu (Free) - Fixed an issue where the menu was not closing after clicking on an anchor link.
* Fix: Background Slider (Pro) - Added appropriate alt attributes to all images to improve accessibility and ensure compliance with web standards.
* Fix: Typewriter Text Effect (Pro) - Fixed the issue where widgets were not initializing properly in certain cases, ensuring consistent functionality across all instances.
* Fix: Post Tabs (Free) - Renamed the jQuery method used for Post Tabs widget to prevent conflicts with other widgets using the same method.
* Fix: Post Grid (Pro) - Removed a duplicated option that was responsible for disabling the link in the title, streamlining the settings and preventing redundancy.
* Fix: Image Accordion (Pro) - Fixed the issue with the 'Always Show Title' option displaying the title even when the option is disabled.
* Fix: Cookie Consent (Pro) - Fixed issue with accept button border not displaying correctly.
* Fix: Multi Step Form (Pro) - Fixed the issue where icons in the step indicator were missing for completed steps in the Multistep form.
* Fix: Unlimited Google Maps (Pro) - Fixed the issue where the Map widget failed to initialize in certain cases, ensuring consistent loading and functionality.
* Fix: Woo Mini Cart (Pro) - Fixed the issue where the mini cart widget was not updating after a cart update on the shop page, ensuring accurate display of cart contents.
* Fix: Radio Button Field (Pro) - Fixed issue where image width was not taking 100% when Display Format set to Image.
* Fix: Post Tabs (Free) - Fixed issue where the widget was not showing posts and the remote connection and sync were not working after using filters.
* Fix: Checkboxes Filter (Pro) - Resolved issue where the checkbox width was not working correctly.
* Fix: Woo Product Grid (Pro) - Fixed the issue where the Title Typography option was not responding in certain cases, ensuring consistent styling and appearance across all instances.
* Fix: Smoke Background Effect (Pro) - Fixed an issue where elements, content, and buttons were not interactive when the smoke widget is in the foreground.
* Fix: Tabs Filter (Pro) - Added support for functionality within Elementor Popups, enhancing the compatibility and integration of the widget within Popup.
* Fix: Load More / Infinite Scroll (Pro) - Added support for functionality within Elementor Popups, enhancing the compatibility and integration of the widget within popup elements.
* Fix: Post Tabs (Free) - Fixed the issue where the Remote Navigation feature was not functioning correctly after selecting a filter, ensuring seamless navigation and interaction.
* Fix: WordPress Menu (Free) - Fixed the cursor pointer issue on menu hamburger.
version 1.5.113: 2024-07-04

* Fix: fixed some small security issues found by wordfence
* Feature: added search fitler to url replace in post widgets filters
version 1.5.112: 2024-07-01

Plugin Changes:

* Feature: made a small integration with simple author box plugin
* Feature: added "timezone" for google events api
* Feature: added "current product gallery" as a gallery source for WooCommerce
* Feature: added option for dynamic popup advanced cache
* Feature: added integration for fvplayer
* Feature: added links to woo minicart title and image
* Feature: added option to send reply in form to email that set in form field

Widget Changes:

* Feature: Pricing Table (Free) - Introduced Tooltip functionality, allowing users to add tooltips to each list item.
* Feature: Post Magazine Grid (Pro) - New values were added to the Show Categories option, including byTaxonomy and by Last level Taxonomy, providing users with more granular control over category display settings.
* Feature: Blob Shapes (Free) - Enhanced the Shadow options by adding shadow size, shadow blur, shadow color type, and shadow shift settings.
* Feature: Image Accordion (Pro) - Added the "Link All Items" option to enhance functionality and provide users with the ability to link all items collectively.
* Feature: Calendar (Pro) - Separated the Locale option into a new tab and introduced an 'Other' option in the locale list, enabling users to manually add a locale not listed, thereby extending support for 96 locales.
* Feature: Calendar (Pro) - Added "Open Event Link in New Tab" option to allow users to open event links in a new tab.
* Feature: Checkboxes Filter (Pro) - Added functionality to hide the dropdown when no items are found inside.
* Feature: Icon Accordion (Pro) - A new feature was introduced that includes the addition of an option to adjust the Icon Margin, providing users with more customization options for their interface.
* Feature: Radio Button Field (Pro) - Added functionality to handle and process values selected from radio buttons in the form, ensuring users' selections are captured and correctly stored.
* Change: Woo Mini Cart (Pro) - Improved the widget by adding the product link to the product title and the image in the cart.
* Change: AJAX Search (Pro) - Added a aria-label attribute for the search button element to enhance form handling and improve accessibility.
* Change: List Marquee (Pro) - Extended icon option to graphic element and added option for image.
* Change: AJAX Search (Pro) - Added a name attribute for the search button element to enhance form handling and improve accessibility.
* Change: Swipe Carousel (Pro) - An improvement was made by adding the aria-label attribute to the item link, enhancing accessibility and ensuring that all links have discernible names for better user experience.
* Fix: Logo Marquee (Pro) - Fixed the text alignment issue and added new options: Text Align and Text Shadow.
* Fix: Icon Accordion (Pro) - Fixed a bug where the accordions were not closing when the "Close Others on Open" option was disabled.
* Fix: Copy Coupon Code (Pro) - Resolved a problem where the copy operation was failing in some cases. This fix ensures that the copy functionality now works reliably across all scenarios.
* Fix: Quantity Increment Buttons (Pro) - Resolved a problem where the product quantity was not reset to 1 after adding to the cart.
* Fix: Liquid Full Screen Menu (Pro) - Implemented a fix to address the issue where the widget was not functioning correctly within sticky containers, ensuring consistent behavior and improved user experience.
* Fix: Before After (Pro) - Added support for carousel widgets, enabling the creation and management of dynamic, rotating content displays within the application.
version 1.5.110: 2024-06-04

Plugin Changes:

* Fix: remote arrows was sendin next/prev commands twice
* Fix: fix some password protected content related security issue
* Fix: fix some sql security small issue 

Widgets Changes:

* Feature: Email Field (Pro) - Added Asterisk Size option, allowing customization of asterisk size for better design flexibility and emphasis.
* Feature: Phone Field (Pro) - Added Asterisk Size option, allowing customization of asterisk size for better design flexibility and emphasis.
* Feature: Event List (Pro) - Added Timezone option, ensuring that expired and upcoming events are counted according to the specified timezone for accurate event scheduling and display.
* Feature: Number Field (Pro) - Added "Limit Number of Digits" option, allowing users to restrict the number of digits displayed for better control and readability of numerical data.
* Feature: Phone Field (Pro) - Added "Limit Number of Digits" option, allowing users to restrict the number of digits displayed for better control and readability of numerical data.
* Feature: Transparent Split Hero (Free) - Added options to enable or disable widget contents like title, subtitle, etc., and introduced an option to add an image or logo for greater customization and flexibility.
* Feature: Unlimited Charts (Pro) - Added Line Chart Background Color option, allowing customization of the background color for line charts to enhance visual appeal.
* Fix: Submit Button (Free) - Added validation function for the phone field to ensure correct email format and improve data accuracy.
* Fix: Mega Menu (Pro) - Added fix for layout issue that sometimes occurs after page load, ensuring consistent and stable page rendering.
* Fix: Post Carousel (Pro) - Set padding to 0 in Nav Dots to avoid default CSS overrides, ensuring consistent and desired styling.
* Fix: Semi Circle Progress Bar (Pro) - Added support for Mega Slider widget, enabling the creation and display of Semi Circle Progress Bar widget in interactive sliders for enhanced content presentation.
* Fix: Floating Chat Buttons (Pro) - Fixed Pulse Animation Grabber Type issue, ensuring correct animation behavior and improved visual effects.
* Fix: Content Tabs (Free) - Added a small delay before widget initialization to ensure the Content Tabs widget works properly within other widgets, improving overall functionality and integration.
* Fix: Remote Tabs (Pro) - Changed selector for padding option to resolve issue where link was not clicked when tab was clicked, improving click response accuracy.
version 1.5.107: 2024-05-16

Plugin Changes:

* Feature - added elementor dynamic options to api integrations
* Feature - added option to get images from current product variations for the dynamic gallery.
* Feature - added preperation for the enhanced ajax search
* Fix - fixed weird elementor no products on cart page bug
* Fix - fixed bug with faq schema output
* Fix - fixed general settings show items at start

Widget Changes:

* Feature: Event List (Pro) - Added "Remove All Upcoming Events Except Next One" functionality, facilitating the removal of all upcoming events except for the next scheduled event for streamlined event management.
* Feature: Animated Icon Box (Pro) - Added Description Opacity option to customize the opacity level of descriptions for enhanced visual aesthetics and readability.
* Feature: Underline Animated Button (Free) - Added Animation Move Amount option, enabling users to customize the amount of movement in animations for enhanced visual effects.
* Feature: Remote Tabs (Pro) - Added Item Min Height option for better customization; users can now set a minimum height for items displayed.
* Feature: Load More / Infinite Scroll (Pro) - Added the "Show Load More Button Icon" option to enhance interface; users can now customize the icon displayed for the load more button.
* Feature: Mega Menu (Pro) - Added a new functionality enabling "Expand / Collapse Visible On" option, allowing expansion or collapse of visibility based on specific criteria.
* Feature: Side Menu (Pro) - Added Menu Padding option. This new feature allows to add padding to the container of the Menu items.
* Feature: Woo Product Grid (Pro) - Made Content Padding, Category Label Spacing, and Title Spacing options responsive for improved adaptability across various screen sizes and devices.
* Feature: Icon Image Content Box (Free) - Implemented functionality to link Icon and Title to the same destination as the Image.
* Feature: Hotspots (Pro) - Implemented styling options for images. This new functionality allows users to customize the appearance of images within the widget, including options for adjusting borders, shadows, and other visual attributes.
* Feature: Team Member Grid (Pro) - Implemented 'Text Placement' option. This new functionality allows users to customize the placement of text within the widget, providing greater control over the layout and design.
* Fix: Post Ticker (Free) - Fixed widgets behaviour for RTL websites.
* Fix: Post Timeline (Pro) - Resolved category name spelling issue in some cases. This fix ensures that category names are spelled correctly throughout the widget, improving accuracy and consistency in the display of category information.
* Fix: Team Member Grid (Pro) - Optimized HTML code of the widget. This optimization improves the efficiency and performance of the widgets by reducing unnecessary code and streamlining the structure for faster loading and rendering.
* Fix: Number Field (Pro) - Resolved issue when Min - Max range were violated and no error were shown.
* Fix: Dropdown Button (Pro) - Optimized widget's JS code. This fix ensures that widget works properly on mobile devices as well as on desktop.
* Fix: Expanding Content Cards (Pro) - Addressed CSS filter issue where it was displaying incorrectly on mobile devices, ensuring proper rendering and display consistency across all devices.
* Fix: Post Grid (Pro) - Fixed issue where Typography option was not functioning as expected, ensuring proper functionality and usability.
* Fix: Justified Image Carousel (Pro) - Fixed issue where width of images was incorrectly set in certain cases, ensuring proper display and functionality across all scenarios.
* Fix: Layers (Pro) - Resolved issue with the "Item Shadow" option. This fix ensures that the item shadow is applied correctly within the widget.
version 1.5.105: 2024-05-05

Plugin Changes:

  • Fix: fixed some filters and request related issue
  • Fix: fixed specific post and terms select

Widget Changes:

  • Feature: Masonry Gallery (Pro) – Implemented ‘Mute Video’ option. This new functionality allows users to start videos muted within the widget, providing greater control over the audio playback and enhancing the user experience.
  • Feature: Team Member Carousel (Pro) – Introduced ‘Button Text’ option in items, enabling users to set custom button text for each team member for enhanced customization and flexibility.
  • Feature: Mega Menu (Pro) – Implemented ‘Mobile Open Menu Animation’ option. This new functionality allows users to specify the animation type for opening the menu on mobile devices, enhancing the visual presentation and user experience.
  • Feature: Logo Carousel (Pro) – Implemented support for empty links. This new functionality allows items to become not clickable when empty links are specified, providing more control over the behavior and interaction of items within the widget.
  • Feature: Scroll Sequence (Pro) – Introduced ‘Hide Add Action Section’ debug option, enabling users to match accurate configurations in the backend and frontend.
  • Feature: Dropdown Field (Pro) – Added support for ‘Dropdown Value (Numeric Values)’ in multi-source, enabling users to include numeric dropdown values via Multi Source.
  • Feature: Overlay Button (Free) – Introduced ‘Overlay Transition Duration’ option, providing users with more control over the duration of overlay transitions for enhanced customization and user experience.
  • Feature: Checkboxes Filter (Pro) – Introduced ‘Accordion as Dropdown’ option, allowing users to open the accordion as a dropdown when the layout is set to ‘Accordion’, preventing layout shifting and improving user experience.
  • Feature: Overlay Button (Free) – Added ‘Icon’ option, allowing users to easily add an icon to the button for enhanced visual appeal.
  • Feature: Event List (Pro) – Introduced ‘Show End Time’ option, enabling users to show or hide the event end time for enhanced flexibility and customization.
  • Feature: Animated Icon Box (Pro) – Introduced styling options for Icon and Divider, providing users with more customization choices for improved visual design.
  • Feature: Taxonomy Terms (Pro) – Implemented styling options for 1st and 2nd level of Child Term Elements. This new functionality allows users to customize the appearance of Child Term Elements at different hierarchical levels, providing greater design flexibility and control.
  • Feature: Content Carousel (Pro) – Implemented ‘Image Border Radius’ option. This new functionality allows users to specify the border radius for images within the widget, enabling them to create rounded or custom-shaped images for a more visually appealing design.
  • Feature: Coverflow Carousel (Pro) – Implemented ‘Custom Navigation Arrows’ option. This new functionality allows users to customize the navigation arrows used within the widget, enabling them to use custom-designed arrows for a more personalized look and feel.
  • Feature: One Page Scroll Navigation (Pro) – Enhanced widget flexibility to support other sections apart from the one with the tag


section>. This improvement expands compatibility with different section types, providing users with more options for integrating the widget into their website layouts.
* Change: Animated Icon Box (Pro) – Replaced old font edit option with new typography and color options for enhanced customization and design control.
* Change: Call To Action Button (Free) – Moved ripple ‘Transition Timing’ from Button Icon to Button Icon tab and renamed it to ‘Ripple Timing’ for improved organization and clarity.

version 1.5.104: 2024-04-24

Plugin Changes:

* Feature: added support for unselect items in sync functionality
* Feature: added feature - sort terms by parent -> children, and levels number class
* Fix: fixed some load more issue with dynamic template loop and post lists inside
* Fix: fixed woo category image not fetched bug
* Fix: fixed some cases of sticky elementor elements with filters
* Fix: fixed remote connection with single background parent and remote widget

Widgets Changes:

* Feature: Neon Glowing Button Effect (Pro) - Implemented 'Neon Line Width' option. This new functionality allows users to adjust the width of the neon line effect within the widget, providing finer control over its appearance and visual impact.
* Feature: Scroll Sequence (Pro) - Introduced 'Hide Add Action Section' debug option, enabling users to match accurate configurations in the backend and frontend.
* Feature: Team Member Carousel (Pro) - Introduced 'Button Text' option in items, enabling users to set custom button text for each team member for enhanced customization and flexibility.
* Feature: Overlay Button (Free) - Added 'Icon' option, allowing users to easily add an icon to the button for enhanced visual appeal.
* Feature: Overlay Button (Free) - Introduced 'Overlay Transition Duration' option, providing users with more control over the duration of overlay transitions for enhanced customization and user experience.
* Feature: Dropdown Field (Pro) - Added support for 'Dropdown Value (Numeric Values)' in multi-source, enabling users to include numeric dropdown values via Multi Source.
* Feature: Neon Glowing Button Effect (Pro) - Implemented 'Button Shadow' option. This new functionality allows users to add a shadow effect to buttons within the widget, enhancing their visual appearance and depth.
* Feature: Mega Menu (Pro) - Implemented 'Mobile Open Menu Animation' option. This new functionality allows users to specify the animation type for opening the menu on mobile devices, enhancing the visual presentation and user experience.
* Feature: Neon Glowing Button Effect (Pro) - Implemented 'Button Background Color' option. This new functionality allows users to customize the background color of buttons within the widget, enhancing visual design and customization possibilities.
* Feature: Logo Carousel (Pro) - Implemented support for empty links. This new functionality allows items to become not clickable when empty links are specified, providing more control over the behavior and interaction of items within the widget.
* Fix: Loop Carousel (Pro) - Corrected spelling mistakes and improved naming conventions, enhancing clarity and consistency.
* Fix: Flip Box (Free) - Resolved issue where links were not firing for the first click on the back of the Flip Box. This fix ensures that links behave as expected, allowing them to be clicked and activated reliably.
* Fix: Content Tabs (Free) - Resolved issue where Content Tabs widget couldn't work with Icon Tabs widget on the same page. This fix ensures that both widgets can coexist and function properly together, allowing for seamless integration and improved user experience.
* Fix: Checkboxes Filter (Pro) - Enhanced Accordion Layout option for the Checkboxes Widget to improve script communication. This improvement optimizes the interaction between scripts, resulting in smoother operation and better performance of the widget.
* Fix: Loop Grid (Pro) - Implemented additional Masonry layout check to avoid items overlapping over each other. This enhancement ensures that items are properly positioned and do not overlap, maintaining a clean and organized layout within the widget.
* Fix: Dynamic Post Popup (Pro) - Resolved issue where popups allowed opening links in new tabs while opening the popup. This fix ensures that links within popups behave consistently and do not inadvertently open in new tabs, providing a smoother user experience.
* Fix: Post Slider (Pro) - Addressed issue where post title typography settings were not applied, ensuring proper functionality and appearance.
* Fix: Flip Box (Free) - Corrected a typography mistake in options.
* Fix: Content Slider (Pro) - Resolved conflict caused between Elementor's Motion Effects and the widget due to the same animation library (animate.css), resolving CSS class conflict for smoother animation and functionality.
* Fix: Fullscreen Menu (Free) - Resolved issue with Opening Item when Clickable Parent option is enabled.
* Fix: Side Menu (Pro) - Resolved issue where some icons were being reverted. This fix ensures that all icons remain consistent and do not revert unexpectedly.
* Fix: Rhombus Grid (Pro) - Increased CSS priority for 'Item Background Color Override' option. This adjustment ensures that the specified background color takes precedence over other styles, providing consistent and reliable appearance for the widget items.
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