(v3.4) Dentiq – Dental & Medical WordPress Theme Nulled
v3.4 (10th January 2024)
- Updated "Slider Revolution" plugin to the latest version v6.6.20
- Updated "WPBakery Page Builder" plugin to the latest version v7.3.0
- WordPress 6.4.0 support enhanced
- PHP v8.2 support enhanced
v3.3 (22th September 2023)
- Updated "WPBakery Page Builder" plugin to the latest version v7.0
- Updated Revolution Slider plugin to v6.6.16
- PHP v8.2 support enhanced
- WooCommerce 8.0.x support added.
- POT langugae file updated
- Some small design and programming bugs solved.
v3.2 (7th February 2023)
- Updated "WPBakery Page Builder" plugin to the latest version v6.10.0
- Revolution Slider plugin updated to the latest version v6.6.10
- Change Google font "Muli" to "Mulish"
- POT langugae file updated
- Some SEO related bugs solved
- Some design and responsive related bugs solved
- Bug Solved: Twenty20 plugin not installed during demo setup.